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The Productivity Pickle

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The Digital Experience Revolution

Presented by The Institute for Digital Transformation

In This Episode

How is our perspective of productivity changed in the Digital Age?  Productivity used to be measured in “output,” but in the Digital Age, should we be measuring it differently?  And where does the human fit in this new equation?

Charlie and Frank discuss these issues with Frank Wander, Founder and CEO of PeopleProductive.  The discussion focuses on the human “input” side of the productivity equation rather than the product “output” side.  If people and their input is the new measurement of productivity, how do we ensure people are as efficient as possible to launch their imagination and creativity?

Charlie and Frank examine a company called Clockwise, which is a calendaring program that automatically works with the collaborative calendars to shift meetings around based on priority and importance to clear time for focused time.

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About The Show

The Digital Experience Revolution, with Charles Araujo and Dr. Frank Granito, explores emerging trends and technologies around Digital Transformation, the Customer Experience and The Future of Work — and how they are reshaping organizations in the Digital Era.

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