Book Details

The Ecosystem Advantage: How to Build the Digital Ecosystem That Will Help You Win in the Digital Era

The Ecosystem Advantage: How to Build the Digital Ecosystem That Will Help You Win in the Digital Era

IT as we know it may be dead, but it’s future success in creating competitive advantage will come down to one thing: creating a digital ecosystem.

In this concise book, Araujo explains the real role that cloud will play in your future, the essence of the modern digital ecosystem and how to put your organization on the path toward creating an Ecosystem Advantage.

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About the Book

IT as we know it may be dead, but it’s future success in creating competitive advantage will come down to one thing: creating a digital ecosystem.

The changes that Charles Araujo described in his best selling book, The Quantum Age of IT: Why Everything You Know About IT is About to Change, are well underway. As an IT leader, you see the changes occurring at an alarmingly increasing rate.

You need to guide your organization through this period of disruption and confidently into the future. You need to find opportunity amid the chaos. But how?

In The Ecosystem Advantage, Araujo explains why the answer is to build a “digital ecosystem” that will power IT into this future.

Based on interviews and insights from senior IT executives across a wide range of industries, Araujo explains that while “cloud” is a significant part of both the disruption and the solution, the true answer to creating competitive advantage is not found in “cloud”, “hybrid” or any other trendy buzzwords flying around the IT industry.

Creating meaningful business advantage occurs only when IT leaders build and nurture complex digital ecosystems that deliver the speed, agility and integration that the modern Digital Enterprise requires. This means more than just changing your approach to technology – it demands organizational and cultural changes as well.

In this concise book, Araujo explains the real role that cloud will play in your future, the essence of the modern digital ecosystem and how to put your organization on the path toward creating an Ecosystem Advantage.

Series: My Books
Publisher: The Institute for Digital Transformation
Publication Year: 2016
List Price: 4.97
"In The Ecosystem Advantage, Charles Araujo shows how the principles of business ecosystems can be applied within the world of IT to achieve the speed and agility required for success in the digital era. Thought-provoking read!"
– Terry Bennett, Digital Transformer & CIO Coach, Fortium Partners
"In his book, The Ecosystem Advantage, Charles Araujo cuts through the noise surrounding digital transformation and provides an insightful look at the challenges facing IT leaders everywhere. His four-step plan to building a digital ecosystem will help organizations of any type get started on the path to transforming their businesses."
– Jeff Ton, EVP of Product & Service Development, Bluelock & Former CIO, Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana
"Finally a book on transformation that lays out in 'human-speak' the truth behind IT's current state and a look at how to plan for a distinctly new meaning of IT in the digital age!"
– Jessica Carroll, Service Operations Executive, Alliant Technologies & Former CIO, United States Golf Association
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About the Author
Charles Araujo

Charles Araujo is an industry analyst, internationally recognized authority on the Digital Enterprise and author of The Quantum Age of IT: Why Everything You Know About IT is About to Change. As Principal Analyst with Intellyx, he writes, speaks and advises organizations on how to navigate through this time of disruption. He is also the founder of The Institute for Digital Transformation and a sought after keynote speaker. He is a regular contributor to and has been quoted or published in Time, InformationWeek, CIO Insight, NetworkWorld Computerworld, USA Today, and Forbes.

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